Know what we do when we feel defensive? We defend.
I call this natural reaction to perceived harm as “building the army” and it’s something we all do, all the time, though most of us are unaware. Have you noticed that if you’re irritated with someone, you’ll pinpoint why “My partner kept me up all night snoring, and I’m so annoyed.” And THEN, we find even more reasons to be annoyed……AND they leave their clothes on the floor, AND the tv is always on, and and and……
We build an army. We do this to support our initial complaint as if that weren’t already enough. And when we allow our thought-cycle to build an army (as we are conditioned to do by societal norms), then it’s real, real hard to solve the initial and instigating problem. And all of a sudden we demonize a person or experience.
So, when you’re irritated or provoked about something, remind yourself to NOT. BUILD. THE. ARMY. You don’t need to keep laying on the blame. Just take it one issue at a time.
And pay attention next time you’re having a moan about something. Are you building an army? Just observe and see.